PADANG - Deputy Mayor of Padang, West Sumatra, Hendri Sapta tested positive for COVID-19. Apart from Hendri, the Regional Secretary for the City of Padang Amasrul also tested positive.

"Yes, the Deputy Mayor of Padang and the Regional Secretary are positive," said West Sumatra Covid-19 Handling Task Force spokesman Jasman Rizal to VOI, Monday, August 31.

Jasman said the results of the two officials' swab tests were only known today. Currently, the task force is still finding out where Hendri and Amasrul were exposed.

"It is not yet known. That is tracing that person again. We from the provincial task force only know that it is positive," said Jasman.

Hendri is the fourth regional head in West Sumatra to be confirmed positive for COVID-19. Before Hendri, Mayor Solok Zul Elfian, Regent of Padang Pariaman Ali Mukhni and Deputy Mayor of Payakumbuh Erwin Yunaz also tested positive for COVID-19.

Based on the latest data, there are 2,067 positive cases of COVID-19 in West Sumatra. A total of 1,194 people have been declared cured, 56 died.

Most cases in the province came from the city of Padang with a total of 1,193 cases. Of that number, 812 patients (68.1%) had recovered and 37 (3.1%) died.

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