Motor Bonceng 3 Nyelonong To Cikampek Toll Road, Bumped Into Pajero
Illustration / Pixabay

JAKARTA - 3 motorbike riders entered the Cikampek Toll Road. This motorbike was hit by a Mitsubishi Pajero car until the driver fell.

The accident occurred at KM 8 towards the Cikampek Toll Road at 14.30 WIB, Sunday, August 30.

General Manager Representative Office 1 Jasamarga Transjawa Tollroad Regional Division, Widiyatmiko Nursejati regrets the actions of motorcyclists who enter and use toll roads. This barking action endangers himself and other road users.

Based on the information from the motorbike rider, the rider enters through the East Bekasi Toll Gate (GT) towards Cikampek. The motorcyclist then turned back towards Jakarta and at Km 8 B the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road towards Jakarta. The motorcycle had an accident, fell because it was knocked over by the Pajero in lane 4.

From the chronology presented, the motorcyclist admitted to being panicked because he felt he was being chased by an unknown car. The Cikampek-Jakarta Toll Road Security Task Force also pursued and secured the three people.

"The toll road is only intended for four-wheeled vehicles. It will be very dangerous if the motorbike enters the toll road because the toll road is designed for high speed. quoted VOI, Monday, August 31.

Widiyatmoko said that if motorcyclists entered the toll lane, officers would chase them and be escorted to the exit. Later, motorists will be subject to legal action in accordance with applicable regulations.

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