Ice Doger Business Injected With IDR 71 Billion Funds, Gibran: What's Wrong? If It's For A Political Tool, It's Endless!
Wali Kota Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka (ANTARA)

SOLO - The mayor of Solo, Central Java, Gibran Rakabuming Raka said that the injection of tens of billions of rupiah for his ice doger business was a natural thing. This business has also been around for a long time.

"(The ice doger business) has been around for a long time. How come it's new," said Gibran in Solo as reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 18.

Gibran added, the injection of funds of Rp. 71 billion for business development came from Venture Capital (VC).

"Yes, that's how it works, (Rp 71 billion) for branch openings. It's normal. Mangkokku (his other business) is bedo meneh, Uange luwih gede meneh. Mengko do is shocked (again, the funds are bigger. Everyone will be surprised)," he said. .

According to him, there is nothing to complain about from the injection of funds. Moreover, the money goes directly to the company.

"The money is for me, the money is for the company (the money doesn't go to me, it goes to the company). Opo (what) went wrong, Raono enteke nek finds mistakes (there is no end if you look for mistakes)," he said.

Asked about the negative accusations from several parties who have approached him recently, Gibran is reluctant to respond, including if the accusations have political content.

"If it's weird, it's awkward, what's wrong. If you make fun of (find) mistakes, it's nggo (for) a political tool, yo raono enteke (there is no end)," he said.

Previously, Jakarta State University (UNJ) Lecturer Ubedilah Badrun reported the brothers Gibran and Kaesang Pangarep who are the first and third sons of President Joko Widodo to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

This report relates to criminal acts of corruption and or money laundering related to allegations of corruption, collusion, nepotism (KKN) in the business relationship of the President's son and a business group suspected of being involved in forest fires.

Regarding this matter, Gibran did not want to be too responsive. He only asked the complainant to immediately prove the accusation.

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