JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, is surprised that the leadership of the KPK for the 2019-2023 period has not yet worked, but has been called 'the worst' by the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). Nawawi also decided not to cooperate with ICW in the future.

"It is extraordinary that ICW in the era of Bung Kurnia (ICW researcher, Kurnia Ramadhana). To be able to judge us as the worst when we were not working," Nawawi told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, December 30.

"God willing, we certainly don't need it in the future," said Nawawi.

ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana said that the KPK leadership in the era of Firli Bahuri cs, was the worst leader during the KPK's establishment. The reason was, the selection process that passed these five people through was a lot of trouble.

Kurnia also considered that the selection process carried out by the selection committee selected by President Joko Widodo did not match the integrity value. The evidence is clear, because there is still one KPK leader who has not reported his assets through the LHKPN. Apart from that, code of ethics violators also turned out to be able to pass the selection.

"That is a crucial record related to track records. The Palace and the DPR have succeeded in passing figures suspected of violating the code of ethics," said Kurnia to reporters in Jakarta, Monday, December 30.

Kurnia also took issue with KPK leader Nurul Ghufron who was not in accordance with the KPK Law because he had to require the KPK leadership to be 50 years old. "The presence of Nurul Ghuffron as KPK leader violates the laws and regulations," he said.

In addition, Kurnia said, Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the KPK is a regulation that endangers the anti-graft institution in the future. One of them is related to the Supervisory Board and Presidential Regulation.

According to Kurnia, President Jokowi's appointment of the Supervisory Board aims to build a narrative of good people in a system. Therefore the Supervisory Board members appointed were Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, Artidjo Alkostar, Albertina Ho, Harjono, and Syamsuddin Haris. The goal is to get public appreciation.

"But we see the opposite. Anyone who fills a post in the Supervisory Board will actually endanger the KPK because the KPK prosecution process will continue to run slowly with the presence of Law Number 19 of 2019," he explained.

In addition to the issue of the KPK Dewas containing good people, Kurnia also said that the Jokowi administration had deliberately built a narrative about the death penalty for corruption convicts. According to him, this discourse will be used by the Palace to shift the debate over the KPK Perppu.

Reflecting on the fact that the KPK Perppu has not yet been published to save the institution, Kurnia agrees that Jokowi has broken his promise. Moreover, Jokowi had previously considered issuing a Perppu. "The current president seems to run away from the problem and does not provide any solution to the public after destroying the KPK," he concluded.

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