Heboh Bunga Bangkai 50 Centimeter Mekar Di Halaman PAUD Kota Bengkulu, Boleh Lihat Tak Boleh Disentuh
Kibut Flower or Giant Carcass Flower (BETWEEN)

BENGKULU - Kibut flower or giant carrion flower or giant suweg (amorphophallus titanum becc) blooms in the residents' yard on Jalan WR Supratman, Kandang Limun Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, to be precise at the Haqiqi Foundation, Bengkulu City.

According to a local resident named Rahmad Yudiartono, Flower Kibut grew by itself behind the PAUD.

"It is not known when the flower will grow, but what is certain is that the Kibut Flower will grow by itself," said Rahmad in Bengkulu, Antara, Monday, January 17.

Currently the Kibut Flower has a height of 40-50 centimeters. Kibut flower was slightly wilted because it was directly exposed to the sun. As a result, residents covered with banana trees.

"Previously the Kibut flower grew on a banana tree and then it was cut down for fear of disturbing it," he said.

For people who want to see the Kibut Flower bloom, they can go directly to the location while still implementing health protocols to avoid the spread of COVID-19, by maintaining distance, wearing masks and always washing hands and adjusting clothes when they want to see the flowers.

"The public is allowed to see, but not to touch so as not to interfere with the growth of the flower," he said.

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