JAKARTA - The Joint SAR Team with Basarnas managed to find and evacuate the bodies of two teenagers after the search was carried out by the waves and then drowned in Tanjung Bayang, Mamiri Wind Beach, Tamalate District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

"The 14-year-old victim named Fahmi was found not far from the scene. The body was found about 3.7 kilometers southwest of the incident location," said Head of the South Sulawesi Basarnas, Djunaidi, Monday, January 17.

The victim was found on Monday morning. Then the victim was evacuated to the funeral home where he was buried and his family would be buried.

Another drowning victim, identified as 13-year-old Halim, was found on Sunday (16/1) night at around 23.45 WITA by the search team and has been evacuated to a funeral home. Both were declared dead.

"Another victim on behalf of Halim was found by the Joint SAR Team last night dead and immediately evacuated to the funeral home," said Djunaidi, quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, one of his colleagues named Raihan Ruslan aged 15 years was declared safe because he tried to ask for help when carried away by the waves and then tried to reach the shore, until he was finally saved. However, the other two victims were carried away by the waves and then disappeared.

"These three victims previously attended a friend's birthday party, then they were desperate to swim at the local beach, even though the wave conditions were high at that time," he said.

Fahmi's victim is known to be a resident of the Unhas Complex, Jalan Sunu, Lembo Village. Meanwhile, the victim Halim is a resident of Kandea III, hallway 3, Bunga Eja Beru Village, Tallo District.

Previously, the process of searching for victims was carried out by sending a team of divers around the initial location of the incident. The other team used a rubber boat to search the location to the waters of the Jeneberang river estuary at a radius of one nautical mile.

"The other team was combing on foot along the coast of Anging Mamiri with a distance of about three kilometers. With the discovery of this victim, the search and rescue operation is declared closed," added Djunaidi.

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