BULELENG - A woman with the initials DS, a Czech citizen, was deported by the Immigration Office Class II TPI Singaraja, Buleleng, Bali.

"The immigration administrative action in the form of deportation of a female foreign citizen with the initials DS is a Czech citizen. DS was deported because she had stayed in Indonesia beyond the time limit for her residence permit which ends on October 27, 2021," said Head of the Singaraja Immigration Office Nanang Mustofa, Monday, January 17. .

The DS problem began with information from the Karangasem Police that there was a foreigner who was troubling in the Amed and Manggis areas.

"The person concerned was reported to look shabby, scared, confused, left his belongings and was secured by residents at the local police station," he added.

After checking and verifying the passport, it was found that DS is a Czech Republic passport holder which is valid until August 14, 2029. He also holds a visit stay permit which expires on October 27, 2021.

Nanang said, based on the results of coordination with the Secretary to the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Jakarta,

Czech Republic passport information held by DS is valid. Passport is still valid and can be used to return to the country.

After the inspection and the administrative process is complete, DS is subject to immigration administration actions in the form of deportation and deterrence. DS was deported today through Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

"The person concerned does not have a valid residence permit for overstay for 78 days. It is hoped that this immigration administrative action will serve as a concrete form of immigration law enforcement in the work area of the Class II TPI Singaraja Immigration Office," he said.

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