MEDAN - The man with the initials MUL (42) was arrested by the police near the toll gate of Paluh Kemiri Village, Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

He was arrested for being involved in violent theft with a friend with the initials M on Jalan Medan - Lubuk Pakam, Peace Village, Tanjung Morawa District.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Deli Serdang Police Commissioner I Kadek Hery Cahyadi said the incident occurred on Friday, January 14 at noon. The victim was a female NS (17) who was riding a motorbike across Jalan Medan-Lubuk Pakam, Peace Village, Tanjung Morawa District, about to go to Lubuk Pakam.

"Suddenly the two perpetrators on a motorbike grabbed the victim from the left and immediately took the victim's cellphone which was placed on the dashboard of the victim's motorcycle," said Kompol Kadek, in his statement, Monday, January 17.

After getting the victim's belongings, the perpetrator immediately fled. Meanwhile, the victim who did not receive the goods taken immediately chased the perpetrator.

"Arriving at the Paluh Kemiri Toll Gate, the victim immediately crashed his motorbike into the perpetrator's motorbike until the perpetrator fell. Then the victim shouted a thief and several local residents came to secure the MUL perpetrator. However, another perpetrator managed to escape from the crowd," he explained.

Kompol Kadek said his party who heard of the incident immediately went to the location and took the perpetrator to the Deli Serdang Police Criminal Investigation Unit for legal proceedings.

"From the results of the interrogation, MUL acknowledged his role when committing the theft as a motorbike driver and Perpetrator M was in charge of taking the victim's cellphone," he explained.

To the officers, MUL admitted that he had committed theft with violence 4 times in the Deli Serdang Regency. Kompol Kadek emphasized that his party will pursue another perpetrator who is still on the run.

"We apply it to the perpetrators in Article 365 of the Criminal Code," he said.

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