MAGELANG - The Central Java Provincial Government has built 21 habitable houses for former residents of Simple Rent Flats (Rusunawa) in Potrobangsan Village, North Magelang District, Magelang City.

Magelang Mayor Muchamad Nur Aziz positively welcomed the local government program because it helps residents in the area to meet the needs of decent housing.

"Of course we are greatly helped by this program so that the people will be more prosperous. I see that the construction is good and supports health as well. There are two rooms, one living room, and a bathroom," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 16.

Magelang City is one of the areas in Central Java where the Community-Based Housing project is being implemented.

A total of 21 type 36 houses built in Tulung Village, Magelang Village, Central Magelang District, Magelang City, have become the property of the residents. They have been living in Rusunawa Potrobangsan for the last six years.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo visited the community-based housing development project in the village on Friday, January 14, and was greeted by Mayor Muchamad Nur Aziz, Magelang City Secretary Joko Budiyono, and a number of OPD heads within the Magelang City Government.

Ganjar said this housing program is a stimulant from the Central Java Provincial Government for low-income people (MBR) who do not yet have decent housing.

"This is an example of us providing livable housing services to the community. I can see that those who participate in this program are happy, because they feel that they already have their own house, and it is clear that they are property rights," he said.

In general, the owner of the house has an independent business which in turn has a wider place to live compared to the flats.

He also thanked the TNI who worked on the house construction project

"I thank the TNI because those who worked on this house were members of the TNI," he said.

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