JAKARTA - Managing finances in times of crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic must be done carefully. However, amidst these difficult conditions, it does not mean that people cannot invest. There are several things that must be considered before starting investing.

Financial planner Aidil Akbar said that in the second quarter of 2020, economic growth was recorded at minus 5.32 percent. In fact, in the third quarter various predictions said Indonesia would enter the brink of recession.

However, Aidil said, the government had taken various measures to improve the economy in the third quarter. Even though the second quarter was minus, Indonesia's economic growth was still number 3 best in the world compared to other countries, such as Europe.

In the midst of the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, said Adil, people were still able to invest. However, we must pay attention to three important steps so that the investment is profitable, not detrimental.

First, prepare an emergency fund in advance. Aidil said, before deciding to invest it is very important to pay attention to emergency funds or liquid funds. Because, currently the economic condition is in uncertainty.

Furthermore, Aidil explained, this emergency fund functions as a reserve or savings that can be used if an emergency situation approaches. This means that these funds cannot be disturbed and must be strengthened before deciding to invest.

"Funds for short-term investment are urgently needed. SR013 retail sukuk meets these criteria from a financial point of view. It is very good for use in an emergency situation. Even though it has a 3-year tenor, it can still be used for short or medium term investments, for emergency funds," he said , during the virtual launch of the Sukuk SR013, Friday, August 28.

Second, it is advisable to pay off debts that are consumptive in nature. Apart from strengthening cash flow, said Aidil, potential investors must also pay attention to their debts. According to him, people who can survive will certainly have liquid funds.

After the debt is paid off, Adil said, the remaining money can be allocated for investing. So far, people have tended to rely on investment with this type of deposit. In fact, investing in interest sukuk is actually profitable. The yields offered are higher and also have a lower risk.

"So far, people generally rely on savings and deposits, but the return is low. SR013 Sukuk is very suitable because it has a return of 6.05 percent and minimal risk. Based on my references, the highest deposit interest rate is only 5.25 percent," he said.

The final step that must be considered before investing is choosing a safe investment. Aidil reminded people not to be easily tempted by investments with the lure of high and unreasonable returns.

According to Adil, fraudulent investments can occur because there are actors and a lack of education for the public. However, it is not uncommon for highly educated people to become victims of fraudulent investments.

"Education is currently mostly on social media, but in the end the investment decision is considered to be feeling, can get rich suddenly, higher returns, so many decide to invest outside the box," he said.

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