PADANG - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Padang City Japeri Jarap said that the West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Putra took firm action against his members who were backers of prostitution.

"So far, people are restless with the rampant prostitution in West Sumatra. However, this anxiety is often just buried because of the lack of preventive measures taken," Japeri said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 13.

According to him, prostitution thrives and makes people very restless watching it.

"Damage. Especially in West Sumatra, which is known to be religious," he said.

He assessed that the unrest has now started to disappear after Inspector General Teddy Minahasa issued a firm stance on eradicating the practice of prostitution.

This firmness can be seen in the processing of five police officers who are suspected of being the backers of the sexist business.

"What the West Sumatra Police Chief is currently doing is an answer to the concerns that have been felt by the community. The Regional Police Chief has provided examples and concrete evidence. This is very good," he said.

This action, he continued, is a reflection of the Sunnah. This action is a message from the Kapolda that no one is trying to destroy West Sumatra with prostitution. A step that really reflects Ahlussunnah.

MUI is very grateful for the firmness that has been carried out by the Kapolda and his ranks. This attitude provides comfort and a sense of security for West Sumatra.

"Leaders who dare to act decisively like this are what West Sumatra really needs. MUI is grateful for the attitude taken by the West Sumatra Police Chief and his ranks," he said.

His party will always be beside the Regional Police in carrying out efforts and programs for the benefit of the people.

"MUI installs a body for the West Sumatra Police, especially if the program being carried out involves religious norms," he said.

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