JAKARTA - A convict of a terrorism case detained at the Garut Regency Correctional Institution, West Java, has pledged allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) after undergoing deradicalization in Garut Prison.

"This pledge was pronounced as a sacred promise as well as a binder and spirit to reaffirm loyalty to the Republic of Indonesia," said Head of Class IIB Garut Prison Iwan Gunawan at Garut Prison, Antara, Thursday, January 13.

The inmate named Mulyanto (35) was entrusted to the Garut Prison to undergo deradicalization activities. Previously, he was involved in the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group.

Iwan hopes that the pledge of allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia will make the former convicts of terrorism cases acceptable to the public and carry out their usual activities.

"The person concerned is also not forced by anyone to return to be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, this is purely his own volition," he said.

The convict of the terrorism case, Mulyanto, stated that the pledge was based on his will since six months ago, and has only delivered his pledge at this time.

He admitted that he realized that after having frequent discussions with fellow ex-terrorism convicts, including prison officers, then he received psychological, then national and religious assistance from the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT).

"Thank God, I realized that after I was released I would focus on my family and return to work," said Mulyanto.

In taking the oath of allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia, Mulyanto was seen standing firmly while saluting the Red and White flag.

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