PEKALONGAN - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the Pemali Juana River Basin Center (BBWS) has disbursed Rp1.24 trillion for the Kalibanger River normalization project, Pekalongan City, Central Java.

PT Brantas Project Implementing Public Relations Division, Abipraya Yusuf, said that currently, the project has started work and is targeted for completion on a "multi-year" basis until 2023.

"The normalization or dredging of river mud is carried out as planned, namely the bottom width of 30 meters to 60 meters. Then the installation of the right and left parapets of the river as high as 2 meters along 7 kilometers, and the two right and left sides of about 14 kilometers," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday. , January 13th.

According to him, the amount of the budget is divided into three packages, namely the first consisting of the construction of retention ponds, construction of parapets, dam work, and regular gate work.

Then package 2, he said, includes the normalization of the Kalibanger river, construction of parapets, normalization of the Gabus river, and rob embankments, and package 3 consisting of pump work and "long storage" work.

He said the project work contract had been signed since October 2021, where the project had already begun to be implemented by PT Waskita KSO, PT Brantas Abipraya KSO, and PT Jaya Konstruksi KSO.

"As for package 1 it will be carried out by PT Waskita-KSO, package 2 by PT Brantas Abipraya-KSO, and package 3 by PT Jaya Konstruksi-KSO. PT. Brantas Abipraya will carry out the package 2 project, namely normalizing the Kalibanger river and installing parapets," he said.

Yusuf said that the dredged material from the river was provided for the benefit of public facilities around the project.

In its implementation, he said, his party has coordinated with related parties, both sub-district and sub-district, Koramil, and local police.

"We do this so that the situation is safe and conducive to make it easier for the implementing parties to work properly. The purpose of normalizing the river is to minimize the occurrence of flooding in Pekalongan City," he said.

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