JAKARTA - Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Golkar Party's DPP, Akbar Tanjung, asked his cadres to be diligent in greeting the public ahead of the 2024 General Election while providing briefing for Golkar Party DPD management in Surabaya.

"Golkar cadres must fight for what the community wants. Knowing what the people want is the key in winning the election," said Akbar Tanjung at the Golkar Party DPD Building in Surabaya, East Java.

The former chairman of the DPR RI said that Golkar Party cadres must continue to maintain the ideology of development based on Pancasila because since the party was formed it has not adhered to a mainstream political ideology.

For that, he continued, Golkar Party cadres wherever they are must continue to struggle to maintain Indonesia's diversity

"Golkar must continue to maintain pluralism because the great foundation of the Indonesian nation is diversity," he said.

Akbar Tanjung said that the 2024 election was a momentum for the Golkar Party to be able to achieve maximum results, given the existing solidity and the party's ongoing work.

For that, he asked the Golkar Party DPD in districts and cities to continue to consolidate and continue to be present in the community.

"In order to realize the ideology of development, the Golkar Party must win the legislative elections and the 2024 presidential election," he said.

At an age that is no longer young, said Chairman of the DPD of the Golkar Party in Surabaya, Arif Fathoni, Chairman of the Honorary Council of the DPP of the Golkar Party, Akbar Tanjung, is still traveling around Indonesia to burn the spirit of cadres in welcoming the 2024 General Election.

"Of course this is a spark of our enthusiasm to work even harder in order to achieve maximum results in the election," he said.

The chairman of the Golkar Party faction in the Surabaya DPRD said that the General Chair of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto is a national figure who was born in the city of Surabaya.

For this reason, he is increasingly motivated to lead Suroboyo to become Jokowi's replacement President in the 2024 election.

"The first president born in Surabaya, namely Bung Karno, hopefully with the efforts of all parties, we can bring Arek Suroboyo back to become President in the 2024 election," he said.

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