JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) officially launched the SR013 retail sukuk series. This government investment product will be used to finance the national income and expenditure budget (APBN) as well as handle the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Retail sukuk were first issued by the government in 2009 and throughout its history the government has issued 12 retail sukuk. Retail sukuk are usually issued only once a year. However, due to pandemic conditions, this year the government has issued two retail sukuk, the previous one being SR012 in March.

Director General of Finance and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance, Luky Alfirman, said that retail sukuk is an investment alternative provided by the government. According to him, besides being able to invest by buying retail sukuk, the community will also participate in helping the government build the country.

"By buying this retail sukuk, the public can invest as well as help this country. Because the proceeds will also be used to finance the state budget, one of which is to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic," he said, during the virtual launch of Sukuk SR013, Friday, August 28.

Luky said, this Sukuk SR013 product can be purchased very easily, just via cellphone. In fact, it can be bought by the millennial generation. Because, with a minimum of one million rupiah, the public can invest in Sukuk SR013.

The offering period for the SR013 Sukuk runs from today to 23 September 2020. Sukuk can be purchased with a minimum capital of IDR 1 million and a tenor or a period of 3 years.

The Ministry of Finance has collaborated with 31 Distribution Partners to help market the SR013 retail sukuk series. Among them are 16 conventional banks, 4 Islamic banks, several securities companies, and fintech companies.

"So during this offering period, people can buy retail sukuk through their gadgets. The payment can be via e-banking, so it is very in accordance with health protocols during the pandemic, avoiding interactions with other people," he said.

Luky explained, the yield from Sukuk SR013 was very tempting. Investors get a return of 6.05 percent and are tradable.

"There is a holding period of 2 months, but after that it can be traded. So if you really need liquid funds, retail sukuk can be traded," he said.

In addition, said Luky, this retail sukuk is a sharia-based investment. The Ministry of Finance collaborates with the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulama Council to obtain a fatwa or approval, this product also meets the agreement and sharia principles.

"So God willing, this validity will be guaranteed and maintained, because we have received approval from the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council," he said.

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