JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inaugurated the establishment of the Metro Jaya Police Precise Pioneer Patrol team. Where, this team is tasked with making efforts to prevent street crime or street crime.

"We are carrying out the inauguration of the Polda Metro Jaya Precision Pioneer Patrol. In which, the task of the Precision Patrol team is to make efforts in preventive and preventive activities in the context of Kamtibmas Day," Sigit told reporters, Thursday, January 13.

This team, continued Sigit, has received coaching. So, they have the ability to deal with various crimes.

"The team was equipped with technical, tactical and tactical skills, and the ability to take actions in the field, starting from street crime, handling anarchic acts, citizen brawls to initial actions related to crimes before being followed up by the detectives," he said. General Sigit. In addition to taking action, the presence of the Precision Patrol team acts as supervisor and monitoring. So, it can ensure that the situation in the community remains safe both during the day and at night.

"The presence of this pioneering precision patrol team really fills the empty space, makes movements quickly," said Sigit.

On the other hand, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Department is of the opinion that having a patrol team can provide a sense of security for the community. Moreover, community activity is getting higher and higher.

"Of course, we hope to make the Police present everywhere in any situation, day, night, morning, when people start carrying out their activities. And when people will rest," said General Sigit.

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