JAKARTA - The Indomaret generator on Jalan Lapan, Gang Lewa, RT 006/001, Pekayon Village, Pasar Rebo District, East Jakarta caught fire. Luckily, the sparks did not travel to the roof of the building.

The Central Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat) who received the report immediately arrived at the location. Firefighters immediately extinguished the fire.

"The object that caught fire was a generator belonging to a minimarket with a loss of Rp. 20 million. The cause was a short circuit," said Head of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, Thursday, January 13.

Officers flush a burning generator in Indomaret, Pasar Rebo area, East Jakarta/ Photo: IST

The fire was extinguished by a firefighter unit with 4 personnel. There was no fire propagation from the fire.

"The fire appeared when the minimarket employee was turning on the generator. Suddenly the engine died, ignited, causing sparks from the carburetor," he said.

The spark then hit the generator fuel hose and a fire broke out. Luckily, the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-department officers managed to extinguish the fire quickly.

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