JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Communication and Information asked the public to be wise in their mobility, including not traveling abroad, in order to suppress the spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

"Therefore, we again convey this message to the public, to be wise in mobility, not to travel abroad in the coming weeks in order to reduce the potential for more Omicron cases entering our country," said Minister of Communications and Informatics, Johnny G. Plate, in a statement press, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, January 12.

Data from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics shows that most of the confirmed cases of COVID-19 as the Omicron variant came from overseas travelers. For example, for the Jakarta area, of the 537 cases, there were 435 cases originating from overseas travelers.

"Data shows that most of the confirmed cases of Omicron in Indonesia are foreign travelers," said Johnny.

Omicron confirmed cases in Indonesia continue to grow. As of January 11, 2022, Omicron has infected 802 people nationwide.

According to Johnny, compared to before, Indonesia is now much more prepared to face the potential wave of Omicron variants, one of which is vaccination.

"The vaccination rate is better, our testing and tracing capacity is also higher. The health system is better prepared, both in terms of medicines, the availability of beds in hospitals, health workers, oxygen, and centralized isolation facilities," Johnny said.

Johnny also emphasized that the government continues to closely monitor and evaluate the development of COVID-19 cases and take the necessary anticipatory steps. One of the main indicators is the situation of care in health care facilities, such as the number of occupied beds in hospitals.

"The government continues to try to control the spread of COVID-19. However, it must be remembered, we cannot do this without full support from the community," said Johnny.

The way to control the spread of the Omicron variant of the corona virus is to reduce traveling abroad. In addition, which is also the main requirement, all parties must be disciplined in carrying out health protocols.

"Especially health care discipline and immediate vaccination. For groups that have received a booster vaccination schedule, don't miss it. Vaccination is very helpful in reducing our risk of getting seriously ill if infected with COVID-19," said Johnny.

The possibility of COVID-19 cases still exists, for that Johnny asked the public not to panic, stay alert and continue to work together.

This new mutation of the corona virus was identified in 150 countries and caused a new wave with a higher peak in a number of places.

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