MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Police have detained five suspects in the corruption case of the dock construction project for the 2017 Fiscal Year in Gili Air, North Lombok Regency.

"Yes, that's right, the five suspects have been detained," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto in Mataram, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 12.

The detention of the five suspects, continued Artanto, was a follow-up to the results of the prosecutor's research regarding the case files that had been declared complete.

Therefore, he said, the process of investigating the case is now waiting for phase two, namely the transfer of suspects and evidence to the public prosecutor.

"The plan for phase two, next week," he said.

The five suspects who are currently in police custody have the initials AA, the Project Commitment Making Officer (PPK); SU, owner of the company; two supervisory consultants with the initials LH and SW; and ES, project implementer.

ES has already been detained at the Class IIA Mataram Correctional Institution (Lapas), in Kuripan, West Lombok Regency. The suspect ES is currently being held in prison because he is currently serving a criminal term for a different corruption case in the East Java region.

Meanwhile, four other suspects are being held in the NTB Police Detention Room. They are in detention as of today.

The attorney for one of the suspects with the initials LH, Iskandar, said that the police investigator's detention showed his client was cooperative.

"So we respect the attitude of the investigator in detaining the suspect, and this is part of our client's form of showing a cooperative attitude in the case he is facing," said Iskandar.

The physical project work in one of the mainstay tourist attraction areas of West Nusa Tenggara Province came from the 2017 Special Allocation Fund (DAK).

In the auction process, the government released a budget ceiling of Rp 6.7 billion. The winner is the company owned by the suspect SU. However, for the project work, the suspect is controlled by ES with a contract value of Rp6.28 billion.

However, in the progress of the work, obstacles appeared in the middle of the road due to weather reasons and material transportation to the location. This causes the work to be delayed until an addendum is made.

Until finally the project was declared completed on December 29, 2017. However, problems arose again. The specifications and volume of work are not in accordance with the plans in the contract.

Nonetheless, the government inaugurated its construction in early 2018 and the cost of the work has been paid in full.

This case has resulted in state losses based on the results of the audit of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) for the NTB Representative with a value of Rp. 1.27 billion.

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