JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Widyastuti, admitted that not all public health centers and hospitals in the capital have started serving the third or booster dose of COVID-19 vaccination.

For example, the Mangga Besar Public Health Center, West Jakarta and the Taman Sari Hospital, West Jakarta, cannot provide booster vaccinations today.

"Not all of these vaccines are available in large quantities. Maybe the start is different," said Widyastuti at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 12.

Widyastuti said that the puskesmas in Jakarta were actually ready to provide booster injections regarding the availability of vaccinators. However, the distribution of vaccines handed over to the central government takes time.

"Maybe it's been calculated, but for distribution to the point, it doesn't necessarily get the number of target levels," said Widyastuti.

It is known, booster vaccination has started in DKI Jakarta. The booster vaccination is for Indonesian citizens aged 18 years and over and has been vaccinated in two doses since the previous 6 months.

However, for the time being booster vaccination is still prioritized for the elderly and vulnerable groups. Registration for this vaccination can be made in the PeduliLindung application.

"The location does not have to be in the same health facility as the location of the first and second doses of vaccine, it can be at another health facility by showing the third vaccine ticket or booster vaccine in the PeduliLindung application," said Widyastuti.

Widyastuti said that gradually the tickets would be updated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, so that people who had not yet issued their third vaccine ticket could wait for the data update.

In addition, the free booster vaccine service is open to people with DKI Jakarta ID cards and non-KTP DKI Jakarta residents.

"For residents of non-KTP DKI Jakarta, there is no need to attach a domicile certificate when implementing the booster vaccine," he said.

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