JAKARTA - Social media activist Eko Kuntadhi opened up about reports of alleged corruption submitted by the National Corruption Eradication Axis (PNPK) to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Thursday, January 6.

In the report, the PNPK filed a complaint against the former governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahja Purnama or Ahok, regarding allegations of corruption. One of the highlights was the purchase of the Sumber Waras Hospital land.

As one of the pieces of evidence to be submitted to the KPK, the Presidium of the PNPK Adhie M. Massardi brought a book written by Marwan Batubara entitled 'Investigate the Corruption Allegation of Ahok'.

According to Eko, it is strange if this book is used as evidence. This is because the source of Marwan's reference in the book is the result of an audit conducted by Rochmadi Saptogiri. Rochmadi was apparently arrested by the KPK in 2017 through the Hand Catch Operation (OTT) for being involved in bribery in awarding an unqualified predicate (WTP) for the financial statements of the Ministry of Villages PDTT.

During OTT, Rochmadi Saptogiri was the main auditor of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Apart from Rochmadi, there is also a BPK auditor named Ali Sadli.

"So it's funny, it's just that this book was launched, Rochmadi Saptogiri turned out to be in the OTT of the KPK. This means that the results of the BPK audit want to tilt to the left or to the right, everything can be ordered," said Eko, quoted from Youtube Cokro TV, Wednesday, 12 January.

It was this buying and selling of audit results by elements at BPK that Ahok had teased about. Individuals in BPK, it is not impossible to commit fraudulent actions depending on who can afford it.

"So the BPK audit or BPK elements carried out audits depending on orders and fortunately the KPK smelled the actions of BPK elements like this and then arrested them. Based on that data, the previous report data, whose data was taken from the person arrested by the KPK, reported Ahok again go to the KPK now. This is a strange bint magic," said Eko.

The PNPK Presidium, Adhie Massardi, said that the investigation into the alleged corruption that ensnared Ahok was actually easy to do. However, the accusation by Adhie, the leader of the KPK in the previous period, namely Agus Rahardjo et al., covered the matter so that the investigation could not be carried out.

"Actually, Ahok's corruption case is the easiest. Ahok's corruption case is now the easiest, why is it the easiest? Because friends at the KPK just take it out of the freezer, then put it in the microwave for 10 minutes and it can be eaten, so it's ready to serve," he said. .

Separately, Ahok opened his voice regarding the reporting of alleged corruption cases by the PPNPK.

Ahok, who currently serves as the President Commissioner of PT Pertamina, admitted that he had known that he had been reported.

"Already (knowing)," Ahok said in a short message on Sunday, January 9.

However, Ahok refused to comment on the report. "There is no (response)," Ahok said.

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