CIREBON - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cirebon Regency, West Java, recorded that 698 houses in two villages were flooded, with heights ranging from 30 centimeters to 1 meter.

"Temporary data for houses that were flooded are 698 units," said Cirebon Regency BPBD Chief Executive Alex Suheriyawan in Cirebon, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 11.

Alex said the floods that submerged hundreds of houses occurred in two villages, namely Mekarsari Village and Gunungsari Village, Waled District, Cirebon Regency.

According to him, the flooding was caused by heavy rain on Monday, January 10, which caused water from the Ciberes River to overflow into residential areas.

"This flood was caused by the overflowing of the Ciberes River, after it rained," he said.

Alex said that the water level starts from 30 centimeters to 1 meter, but now it has started to recede.

"The water has started to recede again, and is still inundating people's houses," he said.

Meanwhile, a resident whose house was flooded Kosim said water began to enter his house on Monday night, after the Ciberes River overflowed.

"The water entered the house on Monday night, and it's starting to recede now," he said.

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