JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) rejected the appeal by PT Manggala Krida Yudha (MKY) as the developer of the M Island reclamation. On the MA's official website, the case numbered 331 / B / 2019 / PT.TUN.JKT was decided on August 14, 2020.

That way, the DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan won the reclamation dispute on the island of M on the coast of Jakarta.

"The ruling rejects the appeal, with the applicant PT Manggala Krida Yudha and the respondent the Governor of DKI Jakarta," read the excerpt of the verdict quoted on Thursday, August 27.

Responding to this, the Head of the DKI Legal Bureau Yayan Yuhanah confirmed the Supreme Court's cassation decision. He said, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government was judged to be legally correct in the Island M reclamation lawsuit.

"Yes, that's right (won the cassation). If it has been tested in court, it means that we have complied with the rules," said Yayan.

Moreover, said Yayan, the current condition of the island of M is still in the form of an ocean. There is no soil or sand pile for the artificial island yet as it is still in the planning stage.

"It's still sea, there is no plan whatsoever, it will be discussed technically later," he said.

Initially, Anies revoked 13 reclamation island permits, including M Island, which was granted permission by former Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama in 2018.

PT MKY as the developer of Pulau M did not accept this. They sued the revocation of Anies' reclamation to the State Administrative Court (PTUN). In this dispute, Anies was decided to win.

MKY did not give up and filed an appeal to the State Administrative High Court (PTTUN). As a result, PTTUN strengthened the previous decision.

The final step, MKY filed an appeal to the Supreme Court. As a result, Anies Baswedan won the cassation. M Island reclamation was revoked and no development activities were allowed there.

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