SERANG - It has been revealed that the cause of the explosion that killed one person in Cisaat Village, Tangkil Sari Village, Cimanggu, Pandeglang, Banten, Sunday, January 9, at around 20.30 WIB.

From the series of sterilizations carried out by the Gegana Detachment of the Banten Police Satbrimob Unit and the Banten Police's Inafis Ditreskrimum Unit, several small plastic wraps were found from flash powder, sulfur powder, potassium, including crushing tools and filters.

"According to the results of the analysis and evaluation, it can be concluded that the source of the explosion came from the explosives used to make fish bombs. The effect of the explosion tends to be low explosive, not the type of explosive made by terrorist networks," explained the Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, Monday, January 10, evening.

Shinto said that the explosion was not related to terrorists because no power and initiator were found during sterilization, as is usually used by terrorism groups which often combine power, initiator, explosive, switching, casing and counter in every bomb-making action.

"From the character of the explosives found at the crime scene, there was no power and no initiator, so it was concluded that the explosives were not bombs for terrorist acts, but were used to catch fish with explosives," explained Shinto.

Not finished there, the Banten Police are still carrying out investigations to be able to answer why explosives were found at Ulung's house (41) which resulted in his wife, Lina (40) being seriously injured.

"Based on the criminal records at the Banten Police's Ditpolairud, there are several names that were targeted for operations because of the use of fish bombs around the crime scene. This information will definitely be investigated so that it can be seen who the perpetrators supply the explosives to the crime scene, "said Shinto.

As is well known, fish bombing is the use of explosives to produce an explosion that releases large and fast energy in the fishing area in order to kill the fish, making it easier for the bombers to catch fish.

The bomb used in fishing is a destructive tool. The use of bombs in fishing causes damage to marine resources and the environment, especially coral reef ecosystems.

So far, fishing by destructive means is mostly done using bombs and poison. Both methods are prohibited because they can damage marine ecosystems, including killing coral reefs and other marine biota.

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