JAKARTA - Chairperson of the DPP PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri revealed a leak to win the upcoming 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

This was conveyed by Megawati as the general chairman of a party that eats sour and salt in the political world.

According to him, the most effective way to win the hearts of the people until they finally win in the election is to go down to the community. He even called this move the best political work.

"The trick is to do the best political work. Going down is the most effective way to win the 2024 election," Megawati said in her speech during the online PDIP 49th Anniversary event, Monday, January 10.

For that reason, Megawati always reminded her party to come down to greet and protect the public. "My instructions are always to all the three pillars and all those who sympathize with the PDIP, always come down, greet, protect, and make the people happy," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"There's nothing else but that," he added.

Megawati then reminded that it was the duty of the party bearing the bull symbol to lay a solid foundation for the nation's journey. This, he said, must be carried out by all party members from the highest structure to the lowest.

"We are invigorating the economic life of the people who believe in their own strength. That is a form of national pride. We take care of this beautiful country with great love, by exploring all the values of fighting spirituality inherent in it," he said.

Megawati also asked all parties to ensure the success of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. Moreover, this is the second time the presidential and legislative elections have been held together.

"Regarding the 2024 General Election, the success of the Legislative and Presidential Elections which are held for the second time simultaneously must be ensured," he said.

"The 2024 election must be ensured that it will be democratic, honest and fair, which will allow for an institutionalized, safe and peaceful change of power," concluded Megawati.

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