JAKARTA - The results of the examination of one of the carcasses of a dog found dead suddenly around the Mandalika circuit has been released. Forensics conducted by a team from Airlangga University revealed a sad fact that the dog was killed in a very heinous way.
Previously, the Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) had already explained the finding of a number of dogs that were found dead suddenly around the Mandalika circuit area, Lombok Island. Through the Head of the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Service of the Province of NTB Khairul Akbar, the provincial government has confirmed that a number of stray dogs died not because they were poisoned.
He stressed the use of poison is no longer allowed. He admitted that his party did plan to keep dogs from crossing the Mandalika circuit. The plan wanted to use poison, but it wasn't allowed.
"There is no special order from the Governor regarding it. We have our own initiative from the service to keep dogs or other animals from entering the area," said Khairul some time ago.

The Animal Defender Indonesia team rushed to Mandalika at the end of November last year. There were two dog carcasses that were tried to be evacuated from the area around Mandalika on 24 November.
"Because the carcass has started to decompose, we need to stop the decomposition so that later this inspection will not be hampered," said Head of Animal Defender Indonesia Doni Herdaru to VOI, Monday 10 January.
In order to stop spoilage, Animal Defender felt the need to buy a freezer first. After being stored until frozen, then prepared a styrofoam box in which ice and dog carcasses were placed there.
"Then we rent a car, we travel by land, we rent a car from Lombok to Surabaya to Unair," said Doni.
Now the results of the inspection have been completed. The Unair team was unable to identify one of the carcasses because it had been destroyed. But one more sad fact found.
"One can still be examined. Five times, it was tested by the toxicology lab to look for the poison. It turned out that up to 5 times no poison was found. But what was found were the marks of sharp weapons stabs that made the blood inhaled into the nasal cavity, mouth cavity, throat, chest cavity, and lungs," he explained.
"It's a blood infiltration where usually no blood around there when it was alive, it was stabbed and the blood was inhaled to death," he continued.
Another vile fact, the Unair team also found traces of food in the dog's stomach that had been digested perfectly. That is, this dog was deliberately given bait first and then snared.
"Because there was a rope entanglement in his armpit. There was a rope entanglement complete with the wood when the team managed to find it," he said.
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