JAKARTA - Ferdinand Hutahaean admitted that he would attend an invitation to the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of the National Police Headquarters to undergo an examination today, Monday, January 10, regarding the case of alleged hate speech with SARA nuances on social media.

"Yes, I will attend," said Ferdinand, quoted from CNN Indonesia, Monday, January 10.

According to Ferdinand, his presence at the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters today is very important. Because for him, on that occasion he was able to provide clarification and explanation regarding the tweet being a legal issue.

"I will explain everything so that it is clear and no slander will occur," he added.

Previously, Ferdinand had apologized to Muslims and admitted he made a mistake due to his controversial writing.

"It's a pity that your God is weak and must be defended. For me, my God is extraordinary, omnipotent, He is always my defender and my God doesn't need to be defended," Ferdinand tweeted, although it has now been deleted on his Twitter social media.

"I apologize profusely to my Muslim brothers and sisters if they are offended or hurt by my writing on Twitter, once again I apologize for my mistake, maybe because of my new understanding of Islam," said Ferdinand in his official statement, Friday, January 7.

Although it was deleted, the tweet resulted in a legal report at the Criminal Investigation Department. Ferdinand was policed on Wednesday, January 5. Bareskrim immediately examined a series of witnesses until two days later the case became an investigation.

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