JAKARTA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Madiun, East Java has proposed 14 old buildings in the area to become cultural heritages to protect their existence and support the development of the history of the local area. Saturday, said that at the end of last year his party had proposed dozens of objects suspected of cultural heritage (BDCB) to the East Java Cultural Conservation Expert Team (TACB) to be assessed for their feasibility as cultural heritage. As a result, all of them received recommendations. "We have proposed around 14 old buildings in Madiun Regency to become cultural heritage objects. As a result, there has been a recommendation letter from TACB for the 14 BDCBs that we have proposed," said Bariyanto as quoted by Antara, Saturday, 8 January. According to him, the recommendation letter came out after the East Java Cultural Conservation Expert Team finished conducting a study of the dozens of buildings. One of the buildings that has been designated as a cultural heritage is the Young Graha Pendopo. The construction of the inscription is a sign that the building has become a cultural heritage. Meanwhile, the other buildings adapt to their respective conditions. For example, a fence or gazebo can be built. This matter will still be discussed further with related parties. "There will be further coordination with the relevant agencies. It is likely that it will be realized in the first quarter of this year," said Bariyanto.

He added that last year's data collection showed that there were 448 BDCBs in all districts. Of this number, currently only 14 have been proposed and approved as cultural heritage. His party admits that there are several obstacles faced by the district government in determining the proposed object of alleged cultural heritage (BDCB), including not having their own TACB and the limited time for reviewing TACB for East Java Province. In addition, there are also obstacles to the existence of BDCBs on land owned by residents. "The submission of the proposal to establish BDCB as a cultural heritage is carried out in stages every year. Dozens of these are already on the land of the district government," he said.

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