JAKARTA - The tweet of social media activist Ferdinand Hutahaean on his twitter page about 'Your God is weak' some time ago received a lively response from netizens and also various groups. The problem of him who has converted to Islam has come up again in this context. What actually made him not want to be too loud about his status as a Muslim?

By telephone, he reiterated his status as a convert to Islam since 2017. "I've already said that I don't like to declare myself (a convert). I'm closed, not many know, the less who know I'm comfortable. But this incident about being said to be a Christian became noisy, I was forced to explain who I was. So in 2017 I did have embraced Islam. There is a witness, Mother Lily Wahid. So what else is lacking," he said to VOI when contacted on Saturday, January 8.

As is known, Ferdinand Hutahaean is reportedly still a Christian after the Twitter account @zarazettirazr uploaded a leaflet for the 2019 legislative election campaign. In the leaflet it was written that FH is from the Batak tribe, Obedient Christian, Honest, Faithful and Clean.

Inilah selebaran yang disebar oleh akun twitter @zarazettirazr. (Foto Ist)
This is the leaflet distributed by the Twitter account @zarazettirazr. (Ist Photo)

Regarding this leaflet, he firmly said that it was made by his political opponents. "How can I talk about Christianity. My electoral district is West Java V, Bogor Regency, the majority of which are Muslim. Moreover, I am a convert to Islam. Does that make sense," he said rhetorically.

And, continued Ferdinand, what he did during the campaign was to visit a mosque, not a church. "We pray together but I don't need to sell religion during a campaign. There's no need to open it up to the public," he said. "I am religious for myself, but because I was excited, I had to explain," he said, admitting that he was late in fixing the administrative matter.

Ferdinand Hutahaean saat mengenakan peci.(Twitter/Mustofa Nahrawardaya)
Ferdinand Hutahaean wearing a cap. (Twitter/Mustofa Nahrawardaya)

There was a reason he couldn't mention about this late administration. "Haris Pratama, who spoke on one of the TV shows, he didn't know I was a Muslim. But he was shouting. It's just that I haven't done the administration for a long time. But religion is not about ID cards. 2017 I have embraced Islam," he said.

Ferdinand Hutahaean didn't really care about people who still doubted his Islam. "So if anyone doubts my belief, let him deal with God. There's no need to deal with me. I don't need human recognition, brother," he said.

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