MEDAN - Loyalist Akhyar Nasution protested against the nomination of Bobby Nasution in the Medan Regional Election. This action was held wearing the PDIP uniform.

This action is claimed to be attended by representatives of 11 Branch Manager (PAC) PDIP Medan City. They remain loyal in supporting the candidacy of Akhyar Nasution who crossed over to the Democrats and was fired by the PDIP DPP.

"We PAC Medan still support Akhyar as a candidate for mayor even though he is not from the PDI Perjuangan," said the head of the PAC PDIP Medan Perjuangan, Tumpal Sitanggang to reporters, Wednesday, August 26.

According to them, Akhyar is a genuine PDIP cadre who has fought for the party. Meanwhile, Bobby Nasution is considered not a cadre. Akhyar is considered experienced and close to the community.

"Because Akhyar is a real cadre, he started from scratch in PDIP, he is our senior. An Akhyar can be done like that, what about us who are only the PAC chairman. We act on the moral message that there should be no more Akhyar-Akhyar next, "he continued.

Meanwhile, Bobby is considered a forced candidate because he has not enough experience to lead the dynamic city of Medan.

“Bobby was impressed that he used the PDIP only as a boat. Now we see, has he ever visited the PDIP? " said Tumpal.

In the action they brought posters which included mentioning "Bobby Nst Candidate for Forced Karbitan" and 11 PAC PDIP Rejects Bobby Nst '.

This action was held on Jalan HM Jhonni Medan as a symbol of Akhyar supported by grassroots cadres and the community.

In Jakarta, Akhyar Nasution's name was alluded to by PDIP chief Megawati Soekarnoputri. According to him, the party ketum has the prerogative to determine the candidate for the head of the region.

"There is that in Medan, he entered as PDI, you can imagine, the recommendation is my business, because I was elected by the party congress, everyone should know that. It is the party congress that gives the name prerogative, ”said Megawati.

"It is not approved, it is not recommended to continue to rampage. What do I think about this? He said a party cadre. Yes, what are the rules for the party, I have fired. I fired. Yes, fair," continued Mega.

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