MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution reminded his staff to be aware of the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in the capital city of North Sumatra Province.

"Therefore, we ask the health department to work hard and have a quick reaction to prevent the Omicron virus from entering Medan City," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, Friday, January 7.

In addition, Bobby also ordered the related OPD to continue to monitor and prevent the Omicron variant from spreading in the city.

"Whether it comes from local transmissions or from foreign travelers entering the city of Medan," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Medan City Health Office, Dr. Taufik Ririansyah, explained that his party had prepared various steps to prevent the Omicron variant from entering the area.

"Although we have not been able to check whether it is Omicron or not, but once we know he is positive, we immediately check who has close contact with the patient," he said.

In addition, he continued, the Medan City Health Office has also prepared a centralized isolation place, if at any time it is needed for handling COVID-19 patients with the Omicron variant.

The report from the Medan City COVID-19 Task Force on Thursday (6/1), stated that there were a total of 48,104 confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 47,181 recovered, five patients were treated and 918 died.

"We have prepared everything, including centralized isolation, we have also prepared. Don't let a positive patient not be isolated 1x24 hours, later we will even be tracing more," said Taufik.

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