JAKARTA - The legal case regarding hate speech with SARA nuances put forward by YouTuber Ferdinand Hutahaean about 'Your God is weak' continues to be investigated by the police. At a time like this, the Deputy Chairperson of the PP LAZISNU Ubaidillah Amin or who is familiarly called Gus Ubaid revealed another fact about the FH who turned out to be a convert.

Gus Ubaid defended this bespectacled man. In Gus Ubaid's view, as reported by Era.id, he considered the public reaction to be excessive to FH. He then revealed the surprising fact that FH was actually a convert to Islam or had just embraced Islam. This was known when his party tried to dig up information about the former cadre of the Democratic Party. Eventually it was discovered that Ferdinand was indeed a convert.

Inilah cuwitan Ferdinan Hutahaean yang menuai banyak tanggapan. (Twitter @Ferdinand Hutahaean)
This is Ferdinand Hutahaean's tweet that got a lot of responses. (Twitter @Ferdinand Hutahaean)

According to Gus Ubaid, Ferdinand Hutahaean converted to Islam in 2017 and made his shahada in front of KH Ali Yafi who was the former General Chair of the Central MUI. This creed was witnessed by Nyai Lily Wahid.

"After we dug up and found out about Ferdinand's brother through our friends in Jakarta, it turned out that the information we got was quite surprising. Ferdinand is a convert to Islam," said Gus Ubaid, quoted from recent.id, Friday 7 January.

When contacted on a separate occasion, Fedinand did not deny the information that Gus Ubaid distributed to the public when he converted to Islam. "Yes, that's right," he said in response to a short message from Voi.id. Unfortunately he has not had time for a complete interview session because there are still guests. "I have a guest, Bang. But that (information about converts) is true," he continued.

Not controlled

Therefore, continued Gus Ubaid, it is natural for a convert to want to study Islam. However, in the process, he saw the face of Islam as depicted in the teachings he studied, which was in stark contrast to some unscrupulous Muslims who clouded the image of Islam.

Kadiv Humas Polri Irjen Dedi Prasetyo/ Dok Polri
Head of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo / Doc

He also defended that Ferdinand's spiritual experience made him uncontrollable. Gus Ubaid also emphasized that Ferdinand was a Muslim, so it was impossible for him to insult his own religion. "It is impossible for a Muslim to intend to insult and belittle his own religion," he stressed.

In the realm of the social world, FH is indeed a person who often makes tweets that provoke netizens and the public to not only comment, but also react like the latter to the realm of law. This time it was triggered by a tweet a few days ago about 'your God is weak'.

The tweet of a former Democrat Party politician, Ferdinand Hutahaean, led to a report by the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (DPP KNPI) to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police on Wednesday, January 5. The reason is none other than because the tweet is considered to contain hate speech containing elements of SARA.

He was reported for allegedly violating Article 45a paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) as well as Article 14 paragraph (1) and paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.

For information, currently the Directorate of Cyber Crime, Bareskrim Polri has sent a summons to Ferdinand Hutahaean, the reported case of alleged hate speech containing SARA, to be examined as a witness. "The summons has been sent, and the police plan on Monday, January 10 (Ferdinan Hutahaean) to give information," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Friday, January 7.

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