JAKARTA - Data leaks have occurred again. This time the data on patient medical records in a number of hospitals in Indonesia are in the form of documents and 6 million databases are sold in Raidforums.
This 720 GB data leak added to the number of data leak cases that occurred in 2021. Where there were 8 major cases with millions of data leaked on social media.
Responding to this issue, Member of Commission I DPR RI from the Sukamta PKS Faction stated that the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) did not learn from the mistakes of data leaks some time ago.
According to him, the Ministry of Communication and Information as the leading digital sector is responsible for regulating more stringent data protection management by various ministries/agencies, one of which is the Ministry of Health. Those related to COVID-19 were burglarized some time ago," said Sukamta, Friday, January 7.
"The control should be tighter, but the fact is that now the data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has been compromised. This means that Kominfo has failed to safeguard public data and cannot lead Ministries/Agencies in protecting public data," he continued.
The PKS politician emphasized that the data problem is very crucial. According to calculations by the Ponemon-IBM research institute, Sukamta said, the amount of leakage loss for 279 million Indonesians from BPJS data reached more than 600 trillion rupiah.
"This is just one leak, of course other data leaks will be bigger," he said. The deputy chairman of the PKS faction of the DPR RI also reminded the Ministry of Communication and Information to strictly maintain the PeduliLindung application which is claimed to be a super app. "The trend of data leakage during the COVID-19 pandemic is targeting valuable health data. So we remind you again, take data seriously "The data in the application cares to protect, don't be careless and be obedient," he stressed again. From the other side, this British graduate doctoral focuses on the issue of public trust. According to him, the impact of this data leak is the decline in people's trust in the government regarding data security.
"Leaked data makes people get a lot of unclear and disturbing messages so that trust and confidence in the security of their data is reduced," said Sukamta. Therefore, Sukamta reminded the Ministry of Communications and Informatics to immediately resolve crucial issues in the Personal Data Protection Bill, especially regarding data protection institutions. conceded data," he said.
"Kominfo must look in the mirror, be aware of one's own abilities. In addition, many countries in the world, especially Europe, specialize in an independent data protection agency, not under the ministry," said the Yogyakarta legislator. For information, cases of data leakage in Indonesia during 2021 include Facebook, BPJS Health, BRI Life, eHAC, Jokowi's vaccine certificate, KPAI, Bank Jatim, Police Database. data in Indonesia in 2021, with 19 cases successfully resolved. The rest are still in process.
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