JAKARTA - One of the residents of Surabaya has been confirmed to have been exposed to the Omicron variant. The good news is that he has only mild symptoms and is still undergoing quarantine and hospital treatment.

The Head of the Surabaya City Health Office, Nanik Sukristina, explained that the handling of residents affected by Omicron was carried out referring to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK 02.01/MENKES/1391/2021 regarding the Prevention and Control of Omicron Variants of COVID-19 Cases.

"All probable cases and confirmation of the Omicron variant, both symptomatic (symptomatic) and asymptomatic (asymptomatic) must be isolated in hospitals that provide COVID-19 services," said Nanik, Friday, January 7, as reported by Antara.

Referring to the SE, the discovery of cases of Omicron infection must be followed by tracing the history of the patient's close contact and those who, according to the results of the investigation, had close contact with the patient should be quarantined for 10 days in a centralized isolation facility.

People who have close contact with patients must undergo a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) examination procedure when entering or leaving the quarantine facility.

"If the results of the NAAT examination are positive, then the SGTF examination must be continued in a laboratory capable of SGTF examination and in parallel the specimens are sent to the nearest Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) laboratory," said Nanik.

Patients who are suspected or confirmed to be infected with Omicron but do not experience symptoms of illness, he explained, are declared cured or have completed quarantine after undergoing quarantine for at least 10 days from the time the specimen was taken for examination and the results of the NAAT examination were negative in two consecutive examinations with interval > 24 hours.

"In symptomatic cases, isolation is carried out for 10 days from the time the symptoms appear plus at least three days free of symptoms of fever and respiratory problems and the results of the NAAT examination are negative for two consecutive times with an interval of >24 hours," he said.

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