JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission E of the DKI DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, said that his party plans to summon the chief executive of Formula E, Ahmad Sahroni to explain the readiness for its implementation.

In addition to Ahmad Sahroni, Commission E of the DPRD will also summon the ranks of the Youth and Sports Office, as well as the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo as the organizer.

Anggara said that this summons was based on Ahmad Sahroni's statement that Formula E was no longer charged to the APBD because it attracted sponsors. very.

"The statement that Mr. Sahroni said Formula E was not funded by the APBD. Then, to determine the location, which until today we have not seen what the readiness is like. So, that's why we want to summon all relevant parties," Anggara said when contacted, Friday, January 7.

According to him, the public needs to know about the financing of Formula E in the future. This is because the DKI Provincial Government has previously allocated a budget of IDR 560 billion for the payment of the commitment fee. He doesn't want people's money to be wasted.

Then, the DPRD will also collect the feasibility study document or the Formula E feasibility study which has not yet been submitted.

"One more thing that we want to collect is related to the feasibility of a study on the recommendation of the Supreme Audit Agency, because until now it has not been given to the DPRD," he said.

However, Anggara admitted that he did not know when the Commission E meeting schedule would be held. Because recently the wife of the Chairman of Commission E DPRD DKI Iman Satria died.

"Later, when the invitation letter is available, we will definitely give it to us. The Chair of our Commission has also just mourned the loss of his wife. So, we can't push either," he explained.

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