The Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Prof. Gunawan Budiyanto imposed a sanction for the disrespectful dismissal of a student suspected of committing sexual violence with the initials MKA. , Yogyakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, January 6. The decision was based on the results of an examination conducted by the Student Discipline and Ethics Committee which classified the alleged perpetrator's actions as a serious violation of student discipline and ethics. The provisions of the sanctions, according to him, are in accordance with Article 8 Regulation of the Chancellor of UMY Number 107/PR-UMY/XI/2021 concerning Discipline and Ethics of UMY Students. The alleged perpetrator, who was previously a UMY student activist, he said, was proven and admitted to having committed immoral acts against three people who were all college students. "The three (victims) are still active students if until now," he said again.

According to him, based on the results of the investigation, sexual violence in the form of rape against the first victim occurred in 2018, and the other two victims in 2021. Apart from dishonoring the alleged perpetrators, according to Gunawan, UMY will provide psychological assistance to the victims by providing psychologists through the Development Institute. Students and Alumni (LPKA) ," he said. Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and AIK UMY Faris Al-Fadhat said that in the rape case, MKA did it alone without the help of other parties. "We have confirmed from the perpetrators and victims. Everything was done outside the campus environment, " said Faris.

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