JAKARTA - Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) does not want to be in a hurry to talk about the candidate for the regional head that will be carried by the bull party in 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

Secretary-General of the PDIP Executive Board, Hasto Kristiyanto, said that his party did have a clear attitude regarding the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada (Election of Regional Heads), including regarding DKI Jakarta. However, he said, PDIP is currently working hard to win the 2024 general election with more involvement in the community.

Because according to him, the new Pilkada will be held at the end of 2024. First, the legislative elections (Pileg) and presidential elections (Pilpres).

"The simultaneous local elections are still in 2024, after the legislative and presidential elections", said Hasto, Thursday, January 6.

Therefore, said Hasto, PDIP has not yet decided on the name of the candidate for governor of DKI Jakarta. The party led by Megawati prefers to prepare the party machinery so that it can work optimally by continuing to encourage the consolidation of party cadres and sympathizers as well as the people.

"So for PDIP, the best strategic steps taken by the Party is to work downwards, to stabilize the entire political machine of the Party", said Hasto.

Even so, Hasto said that PDIP is indeed designing ideas about the future of DKI. The goal, he said, was to accelerate Jakarta's development.

This is because he thinks that the progress of DKI is still far from the progress when the capital city was led by Joko Widodo and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok.

"Because practically the progress in the last few years is still far below the progress when DKI was led by Mr. Jokowi, Mr. Ahok, and Mr. Djarot", concluded Hasto.

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