JAKARTA - Ipi Maryati Kuding and Ali Fikri have been appointed as acting spokespersons for the KPK. Ipi was appointed as the spokesperson for the prevention sector, while Ali Fikri was assigned as the spokesperson for the field of prosecution.

Ipi Maryati previously served as functional staff at the Public Relations Bureau, while Ali Fikri is known to be the KPK Public Prosecutor.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri said it was Ipi's job to explain the matter of KPK prevention, while Ali was in charge of explaining the program's achievements in the field of prosecution.

He gave an example of the spokesperson for the prevention sector. For example, there are several areas that are prone to corruption, for example, in the field of goods and services procurement. Firli said, the modus operandi is always the same, so the spokesperson for prevention can already take what steps to take in the field of prevention.

Firli added, the two spokesmen would work together with each other to distribute information, both regarding prosecution, prevention, and other issues related to the anti-graft agency to all media.

"In the future, we will remain in the spirit of never ceasing to fight corruption. Let us work together to build the country to free the Republic of Indonesia from corrupt practices," Firli said at the KPK, Friday, December 27.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the KPK, Febri Diansyah, said that the two of them would fill the position until the KPK later appointed a definitive spokesperson whose selection process was planned to be held in January 2020.

"The two of them will become spokespersons for the field of prosecution and prevention sector until later in parallel the selection process to find a definitive spokesperson will also be carried out in accordance with the recruitment and appointment processes that apply in the HR sector," said Febri.

Previously, the position of KPK spokesman was filled by Febri Diansyah. He declared his post finished on Thursday, December 26. His position, changed to Head of the Public Relations Bureau.

Prior to him, the KPK spokesman was Johan Budi, a former journalist, who was later recruited by President Joko Widodo to become his special staff and is now a member of the DPR.

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