ACEH - The Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) stated that state losses in the case of alleged corruption in the construction of a bridge in Pidie Regency reached Rp1.6 billion.

Assistant for Special Crimes at the Aceh Prosecutor's Office R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono in Banda Aceh, Wednesday, January 5, said that the state loss was the result of an audit by the Development Finance Supervisory Agency (BPKP) for the Aceh Representative.

"BPKP Aceh Representative has submitted the results of an examination of the state losses on the construction of the Kuala Gigieng bridge in Pidie Regency. The results of the inspection show that state losses reached Rp1.6 billion," said R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono as quoted by Antara.

R Raharjo Yusuf said that the budget for the bridge construction was Rp1.8 billion from the Aceh Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBA) for the 2018 fiscal year. With such a large loss, the country suffered a loss as a whole.

"Builders are being worked on, but the results of the work cannot be used. This means that the state will suffer a total loss in the bridge construction project," said R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono.

Prior to that, the Aceh Prosecutor's Office investigators named five suspects for the construction of a bridge in Kuala Gigieng, Pidie Regency. Namely, the initials FJ as the Budget User at the Aceh PUPR Service

Then, JF as the Head of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Region I of the Aceh PUPR Service. KN as the Technical Implementation Officer (PPTK), SF as the Deputy Director of CV PJ who is the implementing contractor, and RM as the field engineer of the consulting company PT NG.

Previously, the Head of the Aceh Attorney General's Office Muhammad Yusuf said that the construction of the bridge was in the form of a steel framework. However, in practice, the implementing company does not do the work according to the contract.

Even though they did not do it, the suspects did disburse the work contract money up to 100 percent. Likewise, the handover of work has also been carried out, said Muhammad Yusuf.

"Based on the examination of the technical team at Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, it turned out that the work did not meet specifications, so the bridge could not be used," said Muhammad Yusuf.

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