MEDAN - Aipda police member Rony Syahputra who killed 2 women in Medan City is still being sentenced to death. The appeal filed by Aipda Rony was rejected by the Medan High Court.

This decision is as stated in the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the Medan District Court. The decision was echoed by the Appellate Panel of Judges, chaired by Wayan Karya along with 2 member judges, namely Henry Tarigan and Krosbin Lumban Gaol.

Decision Number 1977/Pid/2021/PT MDN On 30 December 2021 was read out on Thursday, 30 December 2021.

"To try, accept the request for an appeal from the defendant's legal counsel and the public prosecutor. Strengthen the decision of the Medan District Court dated October 11, 2021 Number 1554/Pid.B/2021/PN Mdn for which the appeal was requested," reads the decision quoted from SIPP PN Medan, Wednesday, January 5th.

Separately, the public prosecutor, Aisyah, who handled this case, admitted that she had received information regarding the appeal decision of Aipda Rony Syahputra. However, Aisyah said her party had not yet received a copy of the verdict.

"We have not received the decision, but based on information from SIPP, the decision confirms the Medan District Court's decision," said Aisyah.

As previously reported, Aipda Roni Syahputra, a member of the police who was accused of premeditated murder of two girls, was sentenced to death by a Medan District Court (PN) judge on Monday, October 11, 2021.

In his ruling, Chief Justice Hendra Utama Sutardo said Aipda Roni was legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code.

The thing that burdens the defendant is that his actions cause prolonged suffering to the victim's family.

Then, the defendant's actions were also considered to be very disturbing to the public, and a victim with the initials AC was still a minor.

The murder case began on Saturday, February 13, 2021. At first, the two victims came to the Belawan Harbor Police Headquarters to inquire about the victim's belongings to the defendant, who was currently carrying out his duty on guard duty.

The defendant also told the victim that RP would look for him if they provided him with a cell phone number. RP also gave the number.

In the evening, Aipda Roni, who was interested in RP, contacted the victim to meet with the reason to discuss the issue of the victim's deposit. The victim had refused, but the defendant, who was already interested and tempted by the victim's appearance, made a plan.

A week later, the defendant made up a story as if the items mentioned by the victim were already with the defendant. The defendant also contacted the victim who was with the victim AC.

With persuasion from the defendant, the two victims finally agreed to be invited by the defendant into his car.

In the car, they had time to discuss the evidence. There was an argument in the car when the defendant's car came out of the Cemara Asri Toll Road.

Because the defendant was very passionate and interested in the RP, the defendant pulled the victim's left hand. In the car, the victim was abused by the defendant.

The victim resisted, but in the end the defendant beat and handcuffed the victim. As for the victim AC, the defendant shouted at the victim and asked the 13-year-old teenager to be quiet.

The defendant then took the two victims to a hotel on Jalan Jamin Ginting. There the defendant took the two women captive.

The defendant initially wanted to rape the victim RP. However, because the victim was menstruating, the defendant vented his lecherous lust on the victim AC.

The defendant then threatened the victim not to tell about this incident. The defendant then took the two women to his house in the Jalan Marelan area.

The two women who had been tied up and taped were then held in the back room by the defendant. After carrying out the action, Aipda Roni returned to the Belawan Harbor Police Headquarters for picket duty.

The next day, the defendant, who had just finished picketing at the Belawan Harbor Police, returned home. When he saw the room where the two women were being held, the defendant was surprised that the two poor women did not move.

At 08.45 WIB, the defendant's thoughts became increasingly uncertain because the two victims were getting weaker. So that people would not know that the defendant had committed the act to the two victims, the defendant's intention arose to kill the lives of the two victims.

Roni then killed the two women by covering their mouths with a pillow.

After finding out that both of them were dead, Roni then started the car and carried the bodies of the two women into the car.

He also threatened his wife to come with him. Furthermore, Roni dumped the bodies of the two victims in different places.

RP's body was dumped on the side of the road in Perbaungan District, Serdang Bedagai. Meanwhile, AC's body was dumped on the side of the road in West Medan District.

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