KENDARI - Police are investigating the case of burning a resident's house in Tanjung Tiram Village, North Moramo District, South Konawe (Konsel) Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, where the occupants are accused of having black magic parakang (can turn into animals or plants).

North Moramo Police Chief Iptu Gema Brajaksono said his party had asked for information from several witnesses in this case.

"We are currently investigating the perpetrators, and the reports have been submitted to the Satreskrim Polres Konsel. But so far we have asked for several witnesses," he said in a written statement received in Kendari, Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

He said that he had examined several witnesses related to the burning of a house belonging to a married couple (couple) with the initials I (60) husband and WL (55) wife because they were accused of having black magic.

Even so, Iptu Gema did not mention in detail how many people had been investigated regarding the arson case.

Meanwhile, in the arson incident that scorched one unit of the house, there were no fatalities.

"If there are no fatalities, because at the time of the incident, Babinkamtibmas moved quickly to bring the owner of the house to the Polsek," he explained.

The burning of houses in the village began when a resident of Tanjung Tiram died. Local residents accused the resident's death due to the practice of black magic.

"This arson was allegedly carried out by several people. This is related to the previous problem, namely the suspicion of several residents that the person concerned (WL) adheres to black magic (parakang)," he explained.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the Polres Konsel AKP Muslimin said that the arson was allegedly carried out by a group of residents who were the family of the late WH who died on Thursday, December 30, 2021.

"The family of the deceased WH considers the death of his family to be WL who is suspected of having black magic (Parakang)," he said.

The wooden house owned by the husband and wife had been burned down and the loss was estimated at around Rp. 25 million.

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