JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has said that the Attorney General's Office building is not included in the insured asset. Therefore, the government will budget for renovation funds for buildings that were burned down last weekend.

Director General of State Assets, Isa Rachmatarwata, said that the government will allocate Rp161 billion to renovate the main building of the Attorney General's Office.

However, according to him, this budget could increase if the building had to be rebuilt from scratch.

"The building is already 70 years old and the value could be Rp155 billion, some of which could be Rp161 billion, depending on the estimate," Isa said at the KiTa State Budget press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 25.

The Ministry of Finance continued Isa is still waiting for a decision from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). PUPR will determine the renovation or rebuilding of the Attorney General's building.

"We are still waiting for data from the PUPR Ministry whether the Attorney General's Office was renovated or rebuilt. The Ministry of PUPR and UI are currently investigating the strength of the existing building structures," he said.

The AGO building renovation budget will later be included in the 2021 APBN. This is because in the 2020 APBN there is no budget for damaged ministerial or institutional buildings.

"But the budget will be included in the 2021 State Budget if there is an adjustment to the 2021 State Budget," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that the goods in the Ministry of Finance have been insured by the government. According to him, the government pays attention to insured state-owned buildings (BMN). Because this BMN insurance program is in the Ministry of Finance.

"Actually, our program for BMN insurance is in the program in the 2020 State Budget," he explained.

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