MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office examined victims of cases of alleged fraud in the selection process for Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) for the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office in 2021.

Spokesman for the Prosecutor's Office for NTB, Dedi Irawan, said the victim was asked for information as a reporter for an alleged fraud by a prosecutor.

"The victim was asked for information in his capacity as a reporter. Requests for information were carried out by the supervisory department," said Dedi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

According to him, the victim provided information with the assistance of a lawyer, Muhammad Apriadi Abdi Negara.

Separately, MS's attorney, Muhammad Apriadi, confirmed that his client gave information to the NTB Prosecutor's Office of Supervision, Tuesday.

"Our client provided information as a reporter as well as a victim of fraud by an unscrupulous prosecutor (EP)," said Apriadi.

On this occasion, he also shared the chronology of his client who became a victim of fraud in the selection process for the CPNS for the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office in 2021.

The victim, who came from Ungga Village, Southwest Praya District, Central Lombok Regency, previously received an offer from EP for the graduation of his son with the initials NI.

"This prosecutor (EP) offered himself to our client because he knew his son was on the CPNS list," said Apriadi.

From several meetings, one of which was at the official residence of the public prosecutor's office with the initials JT, in Mataram City, EP offered NI a graduation if he submitted a dowry of Rp. 200 million.

"Initially, they asked for 50 percent, as a sign so, a down payment," he said.

For the rest, continued Apriadi, it will be given after MS's child has graduated and received a Decision Letter of Appointment as a CPNS for the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office in 2021.

"But our client at that time agreed to Rp75 million, because the victim's fields had not been fully paid for," he said.

Prosecutor EP, who agreed with MS's offer, then asked him to meet. The meeting, which also handed over Rp75 million in cash, took place at JT's house.

"The handover was also witnessed by our client's wife and JT. There is also proof of receipt with a stamp," he said.

With the handing over of money as a sign of completion, the EP prosecutor promised the victim money back if MS's child did not pass.

"If later you do not pass and do not meet the 'passing grade', EP promises to immediately return the money," he said.

However, in the middle of the selection process, the NI of the victim's child failed in the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) stage. Announcement, in September 2021.

"Following up on the news, the client immediately contacted EP's attorney and asked for the money back. But in fact, EP kept on promising and lying with various arguments to avoid getting the money back," said Apriadi.

The victim, who was disappointed that the prosecutor EP had broken his promise, then reported the incident to the NTB Prosecutor's Office.

"That is the chronology on which we report to the NTB Prosecutor's Office," he said.

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