MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Police are examining lecturer Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah regarding his remarks in a 19-second video clip that is alleged to have discredited the sacred tombs of ancestors on the island of Lombok.

The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, said the investigation was related to allegations of hate speech in accordance with the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (ITE).

"The nature of the investigation is still being clarified, just asking for information," said Artanto, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

He conveyed that Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah, who came from the As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School, Bagek Nyaka, Aikmel District, East Lombok Regency, had been secured at the NTB Regional Police.

"Yes, it's been arrested," he said.

Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah's attorney, Muhammad Apriadi Abdi Negara, confirmed that his client had provided clarification regarding the 19-second video clip to the police.

"From Sunday (2/1) morning, continued Monday (3/1) morning until evening, he (Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah) gave a statement before the police," said Apriadi by telephone in Mataram, Tuesday.

He confirmed that his client provided clarification regarding the 19-second video clip that had been widely circulated in cyberspace.

"Yes, regarding the circulation of the 19-second video, and also about the complete video of the content of the lecture," he said.

Apriadi confirmed that his client had been detained at the NTB Police. The hope is that the decision to be detained at the NTB Regional Police will prevent the emergence of chaos in the community.

"So he (Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah) is not in detention, but is only being detained while waiting for the legal process. Later, if he is named a suspect and detained, we will hand him over," he said.

In addition, Apriadi said his client had already apologized to the public regarding his remarks recorded in the 19-second video.

According to him, his client as an Indonesian citizen wants to show that he is obedient to the law and has great respect for the handling process currently underway at the police.

"Regarding who uploaded or cut the (video) we leave everything to the police. Likewise, we leave it to the police for vandalism and arson," he said.

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