JAKARTA - The reconstruction of the murder case of the shipping boss, Sugianto (51) in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, shows the facts of the planning. The suspected shooting executioner, Mahfud, refused to be involved in the murder.

Mahfud's refusal when he was asked to become the executor is shown in scene 11B. At that time, the suspect Rosidi contacted Mahfud to ask him to kill Sugianto.

"The suspect Rosidi contacted the suspect Mahfud to invite him to be the executor. Mahmud said that he didn't want to kill someone," said a police officer reading the reconstruction scene, Tuesday, August 25.

Mahfud then refused, because he admitted that he had repented. However, Rosidi still persuaded him by mentioning an order from the suspect Maman, who was none other than Nur Luthfi (NL)'s Siri husband.

To Mahfud, Rosidi also mentioned that Maman was a figure who continued the life of Grandpa Nur, Nur Luthfi's father. Because of this discussion, Mahfud considered his request to become the executor.

"Suspect Mahfud said that he wanted to do istikharah first. From that conversation, the suspect Mahfud has not decided to become the executor," he said.

Finally, in scene 14, Maman communicated with Mahfud via telephone. In that conversation, Mahfud was convinced to become the executor.

"Maman conveyed to the suspects Rosidi, Syahrul, Junaedi, and Dedi that Mahfud was ready to go (to Jakarta) tomorrow," said the investigator to continue the conversation on reconstruction scene.

There are 12 people named as suspects in the shooting case of shipping businessman Sugianto in Kelapa Gading. Sugianto was shot to death five times.

The mastermind of the murder, NL, worked as a financial administration employee at the Sugianto company since 2012.

The mastermind of the murder, NL, worked as a financial administration employee at Sugianto's company since 2012. She was hurt because of Sugianto's scolding. Sugianto also invited her to have sex with him. Sugianto suspected NL to be involved in tax issues, and he threatened her that he would report to the police. 

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