PANGKALPINANG - Head of the Pangkalpinang SAR, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Fazzli asked the traditional tin ore miners to stop their activities because they are prone to accidents during high rainfall intensity.

"I ask that traditional tin ore miners, which are generally carried out by the community, can stop their activities, rainfall can cause landslides in the mining area," he explained via electronic message, Pangkalpinang, Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

He said the high rainfall caused the soil structure of the tin ore to become unstable and prone to landslides.

"Landslides that cause fatalities for traditional tin ore mining workers often occur because workers do not pay attention to environmental conditions and do not apply work safety standards," he explained.

He also reminded people living in disaster-prone areas such as floods and hurricanes, to really pay attention to their environment.

"It is certain that drainage channels must be clear of piles of garbage so as not to hinder the flow of water, as well as areas prone to tornadoes to cut down tall trees around the house," he said.

The public must continue to increase their vigilance because the potential for natural disasters can occur at any time, both on land and in water.

"We continue to coordinate with related institutions in the area such as the National Armed Forces (TNI), National Police (Polri), Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and other parties to facilitate anticipation as well as speed up rescue services in the event of a disaster," he said.

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