MEDAN - A mother named Ramadhoni Hasibuan (53) a cleaning officer for the Melati Troops in Medan City became a victim of robbery. Police are looking for the culprit.

At that time, the victim was passing by using a Honda Beat motorcycle with the police number BK 5802 AHT. Then from behind, two perpetrators appeared who immediately hit him in the back with a beam.

As a result, Kornan immediately fell until his face hit the asphalt and passed out. His bruised face then circulated in cyberspace.

Separately, the East Medan Police Chief, Commissioner Rona Tambunan, confirmed the incident.

"Yes, we are investigating," said Commissioner Rona, Monday, January 3.

But he has not detailed the identity and chronology of events. The police team is still searching for the perpetrators.

"Please pray for it to be quickly revealed," he said.

The incident experienced by members of the jasmine squad received a quick response from the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution. President Jokowi's son-in-law came to visit him at the Pirngadi Hospital in Medan.

"We deeply regret this tragedy. I ask the relevant parties to immediately arrest the perpetrators. I also hope that similar incidents do not happen again," said Bobby.

Bobby Nasution also made sure that Ramadhoni's treatment at Pirngadi Hospital was going well.

"We want all hospitals in Medan to serve well. Especially Pirngadi. I hope Mrs. Ramadhoni gets well soon and can return to work as usual," Bobby hoped.

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