BANYUWANGI - Residents of Karangdoro Village, Tegalsari District, Banyuwangi were shocked by the discovery of a corpse in the local river flow.

The corpse is female. When he was found his condition was swollen and without an identity and naked, Sunday, January 2nd.

Tegalsari Police Chief AKP Pudji Wahyono confirmed the discovery of the body. He said that at this time the body had been evacuated and brought to the Genteng Hospital.

"We have evacuated the body from the river and brought it to the Genteng Regional Hospital for further processing," said AKP Pudji, Monday, January 3, 2022.

When found, said AKP Pudji, the body was already in a state of almost decay and without wearing any clothes. Identity also not found.

"There is no identity, while the body we call Mrs X," he said.

The police asked those who felt they had lost a family member to report it. They are still investigating and searching for the identity of the body.

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