KUDUS - The government of Kudus Regency, Central Java, approved the proposal to increase political party aid funds (Banpol) by 96.08 percent. From the previous Rp2,550 per vote to Rp5,000 per vote.
"Later on, the disbursement of the Banpol funds will be carried out in two stages. The first stage is Rp. 2,500 per vote, while the second stage is according to the approved addition of Rp. 2,450 per vote," said Head of the Office of National Unity and Politics of Kudus Regency, Harso Widodo in Kudus, Between, Monday, January 3rd.
He revealed that the gradual disbursement was pending approval from the Central Java Provincial Government. It is hoped that after approval, the proposed increase in Banpol funds can be disbursed.
Banpol funds for 2022 have been budgeted through the 2022 APBD purely at Rp. 2.36 billion and have been adjusted to the proposed increase from the previous Rp. 2,550 per vote to Rp. 5,000 per vote.
With the addition of the Banpol allocation, it is hoped that it will provide internal operational support for political parties and each political party can also increase the role of providing political education to the community.
The number of political parties in Kudus Regency that obtained seats in the Kudus DPRD, it was recorded that there were 10 political parties. These include the Democratic Party, PAN, Golkar Party, Nasdem Party, PKS, PPP, PDIP, Hanura Party, Gerindra Party, and PKB.
The chairman of the DPC Hanura Kudus Party, Sutriyono, appreciated the decision of the Kudus Regency Government who was willing to increase financial assistance for political parties in Kudus.
"Of course, for us as a political party with limited funding sources, it is very helpful because the head of the party who sits on the seats of the Kudus DPRD is only two people," he said.
With the additional allocation of financial assistance for political parties, he hopes, it can improve political education for Hanura Party cadres as a whole from previously only DPC and PAC administrators, later up to the branch level.
Previously, political parties in Kudus proposed an increase in banpol for various reasons. Among other things, the reason is because other districts have experienced increases and with larger Banpol, political education can be carried out as a whole to all villages.
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