UNGARAN - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo with his wife Siti Atikoh trail running at the Curug Lawe Benowo Kalisidi (CLBK) track in Kalisidi Village, West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency, Sunday, January 2. The track is quite heavy and challenging that was conquered in less than an hour.

Before trail running, Ganjar and his wife first cycled from the Gajahmungkur area, Semarang City. The group passed the Sampangan-Gunungpati route and continued towards Kalisidi Village.

Arriving at the CLBK gate, Ganjar took a short break while changing his trail running equipment. There, Ganjar met Scout members from Semarang Regency who distributed masks to CLBK visitors. Not long after, Ganjar and his entourage started trail running on the CLBK track with the final destination of Curug Lawe which is on the slopes of Mount Ungaran.

The CLBK track begins with a sloping path across the concrete irrigation canal on the side of the cliff. The first steep track is a transition route because there is a landslide cliff side on the main route. After passing that route, Ganjar and his entourage found the intersection of Curug Lawe and Curug Benowo.

Ganjar Pranowo (Photo via Central Java Provincial Government)

Starting from that intersection, the track to Curug Lawe presents more challenges for trail running activities. But that did not dampen the enthusiasm of Ganjar and Atikoh. Rocky and slippery tracks he dilibasnya one by one while occasionally heaving a long breath. Until finally arrived at the last steep path right at the point 100 meters before Curug Lawe.

Once down from the steep path, the gurgling of the waterfall began to be heard. All the fatigue paid off completely when a towering waterfall was seen from a distance. Arriving at the bottom of the waterfall, Ganjar and Atikoh immediately enjoyed the calm and cool atmosphere that came from the splash of the mountain water.

"If you go to Curug Lawe, this is the end and we are right under the waterfall. It's very fresh. Remember if you come here to keep the health procedures, later from CLBK (officers) will also arrange. The place is also clean," said Ganjar while downstairs Curug Lawe waterfall.

Ganjar Pranowo (Photo via Central Java Provincial Government)

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